
Home News

Half the World’s Orcas Could Soon Disappear—Here’s Why

They live in chatty groups, and can hunt in teams—sometimes working in tandem to create waves that dump unlucky prey off floating ice. Savvy...

Airbnb Ban on Parties Permanently from its Rental Properties

The online rental company Airbnb officially put a ban on parties including the open-invite gatherings and house party to its guest who use their...
Traveling with Pets

Small Dogs Can Fly with Passengers on Lift Airlines

Passengers will now be able to fly with their dogs aboard South Africa’s Lift Airlines. The new carrier took to the skies in December...

Millions of New Jobs will be created in the Travel and Tourism Sector

According to an optimistic forecast by the World Travel and Tourism Council, 126 million new travel and tourism jobs will be created by the...
Emirates Sky Cargo

Emirates SkyCargo Launches Protection Solution For Temperature-Sensitive Cargo

Emirates SkyCargo, the cargo division of Emirates Airline, has launched a next-generation version of its innovative protection product for valuable temperature-sensitive cargo, such as...

Emirates Group Announces Record Profits

The Emirates Group today announced its 28th consecutive year of profit and steady business expansion, ending the year with record profits, and in a...

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